Elizabeth has been my healer for almost seven years now! But I actually have a problem with calling her my healer because she is so much more to me!
I remember how crushed I was before the first time I saw her. She accepted me open hearted, warmly, like I am her best friend, like as if she knew me all her life Her Spiritual treatment was immediately successful, I did not need to come again for that health problem and believe me, I was a mess!
The magic of her work is not only in her healing performance but also in teaching. She has been teaching me how to think, react, and behave to stay healthy and happy.
I can say, she is my best friend, although she may not consider me as that, because we do not hang around together, we do not shop together, we do not do anything together except she treats me when I need her. I can tell her everything and anything, my deepest fears and secrets, and she will always find the most perfect words, solution, and healing method, so I can feel 100% better instantly. And she never ever judges, ever! Her heart is full of love and soul so clear, just like a fresh spring!
Elizabeth, thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! JP (Worcester, MA)